David, Melbourne AU
Mojca is the most incredible coach I've ever had the privilege of working with. I cannot thank her enough for going above and beyond for me.
She constantly found ways of digging deep, tapping into my potential, and helping me to grow exponentially throughout our sessions. As someone who's quite career-oriented, Mojca helped with accountability, support, and gave me the tools to unleash infinite amounts of clarity, focus, and motivation.
Her sessions are worth their weight in gold.Niki, London UK
Working with Mojca is always an exciting, creative journey.
Her supportive, empowering way always gives me faith that I will come out of a session with deep clarity, a sense of empowerment and strength. She has an incredible way to identify issues and take you on a journey.
Sibel, London UK
Mojca is one of the most wonderful people I've ever met in my life. I was hesitant about getting a life coach at first and I've not had a single moment of regret since I decided to work with her. She is most definitely an amazing life coach, I cannot thank her enough.
Lynne, Banbury UK
Mojca’s coaching approach really worked well for me,
being fun, open, curious and gently challenging.
I found working with her a transformative experience.
Corrie, Brighton UK
Our sessions helped me reflect on areas in my life where I wanted to find direction. We worked on setting goals in my career and creative side.
I am so very happy with the coaching experience.
The guidance, support and wellbeing that Mojca provided really helped me find happy again.
Mariëlle, London UK
After several years of doing the same type of work I felt it was time for me to pick a more fulfilling career path. Mojca helped me gain more clarity, confidence and momentum to progress. I am feeling a lot more excited now about the future than 3 months ago.
Audrey, France
I signed up to work with Mojca because I felt overwhelmed with everything and mostly unhappy. I felt like I didn't have enough time to do all I wanted to do and also that I was lost in my life.
Today I have all the keys to my wellbeing and I see things way differently than I did before our sessions: I am relaxed, I feel blessed and incredibly lucky - thank you Mojca.
Beverley, UK
I would recommend Mojca to anyone because she has the warmth, compassion, ability, knowledge and skills to work on all levels to meet individuals where they are and to motivate, encourage and inspire. Professionals who are wanting to lead, grow and develop their lives and careers would benefit richly.
Sophia, London UK
I was struggling with many things going on and feeling constantly like I didn’t have enough time or wasn’t focused enough to reach my goals. I therefore felt like I was constantly falling short on myself and inadequate.
The techniques and sessions with Mojca had a tangible result in allowing me to progress in all the areas I wanted to focus on; I found the sessions so very insightful and somehow lightened the load I felt I had on my shoulders which was preventing me from taking the paths I wanted to take.Liesel, London UK
I had a session with Mojca a few days ago to process and think through an incident that left me feeling upset and confused. She held a beautiful space, in which all the parts of me could feel safe, heard, validated and listened to.
By the end of the session I had so much more clarity about what had REALLY happened in that upsetting event. I felt calm, collected, AMAZED at what was revealed, and had so much more understanding and compassion for myself and my behaviour.
My clients' kind words
Sibel, UK:
Mojca is one of the most wonderful people I've ever met in my life. She has given me the tools that I needed to deal with various problems in my life, as well as give me an insight into my own mind. She is most definitely an amazing life coach and you can really feel her passion for her job. I was hesitant about getting a life coach at first and I've not had a single moment of regret since I decided to work with her. I cannot thank her enough.
Mariëlle, UK:
After several years of doing the same type of work I felt it was time for me to pick a more fulfilling career path. Mojca helped me gain more clarity, confidence and momentum to progress by gently guiding me to find my answers through relevant questions and exercises. She knows how to connect and keep me engaged. I am feeling a lot more excited now about the future than 3 months ago.
Liesel, UK:
I had a session with Mojca a few days ago to process and think through an incident that left me feeling upset and confused.
She held a beautiful space, in which all the parts of me could feel safe, heard, validated and listened to.
By the end of the session I had so much more clarity about what had REALLY happened in that upsetting event. There was so much going on "under the surface" that my conscious mind was not aware of.
I was judging myself and my behaviour and felt like "I did it all wrong" before we started. And by the end of our time together I felt calm, collected, AMAZED at what was revealed, and had so much more understanding and compassionate for myself and my behaviour.
It was so valuable and helpful. I highly recommend sessions with Mojca!
Liesel Teversham, Savvy Self Growth
Sophia, UK:
I found coaching with Mojca extremely helpful for me to progress towards my goals and objectives at that time.
I was struggling with many things going on and feeling constantly like I didn’t have enough time or wasn’t focused enough to reach my goals. I therefore felt like I was constantly falling short on myself and inadequate. These things included studying for my masters, keeping up with a healthy lifestyle and exercise, quitting smoking, working out my career path.
Mojca’s coaching helped me hone in on these things and assisted me in applying techniques to keep my focus by understanding what was blocking me and why I felt I was always falling short.
The techniques and sessions with Mojca had a tangible result in allowing me to progress in all the areas I wanted to focus on; I found the sessions so very insightful and somehow lightened the load I felt I had on my shoulders which was preventing me from taking the paths I wanted to take.
Today I still apply and use some of the techniques in terms of focusing on goals and understanding how to get there and why I want to get there."
Corrie, UK:
Mojca coached me for 6 sessions between February – May 2018. I found this an incredibly worthwhile experience. Our sessions helped me reflect on areas in my life where I wanted to find direction. We worked on setting goals in my career and creative side.
As a result, the combination of sessions and independent tasks outside the 1-2-1 have given me the confidence to apply for a new role. I was lucky enough to be invited to interview for the role and I am currently waiting to hear the outcome. Regardless of the outcome, I feel like I have achieved success in an area that was causing me a great deal of discontent.
I am so very happy with the coaching experience. The guidance, support and wellbeing that Mojca provided really helped me find happy again 😊"
[added later: Corrie landed that job! Yay!]
Audrey, France:
I signed up to work with Mojca because I felt overwhelmed with everything and mostly unhappy. I felt like I didn't have enough time to do all I wanted to do and also that I was lost in my life.
I wanted to feel happiness in my life again, a great sense of wellbeing, just like I felt back in 2013 during these amazing months of my life while I felt so happy and in a perfect state of mind - connected to others, paying attention to everything & everyone & enjoying life so much.We started the coaching sessions in August and finished in November 2018 - Mojca helped me understand my blocks and structure my thoughts to help me reach this state again. She made me think and realise that my mind could be the only one stopping me.
Today I have all the keys to my wellbeing and I see things way differently than I did before our sessions: I am relaxed, I feel blessed and incredibly lucky - thank you Mojca.
Lynne, UK:
My focus for coaching with Mojca was to work on some of my inner dialogue which was getting in the way of me moving forward in starting my business. I wanted to deepen my understanding of how this dialogue within me was affecting my confidence, self-worth and self-belief.
Mojca’s coaching approach really worked well for me, being fun, open, curious and gently challenging. I found working with her a transformative experience.
I have worked with my inner critics before during therapy, and during my coaching training, as well as reading many self-development books over the years, but this experience with Mojca was something different. I felt it raised my awareness of where these ‘voices’ came from, how they were effecting my life on a daily basis. I have known for some time that these ‘voices’ within us are formed throughout our lives, they have a protective factor, but if we allow them to dominate us then this can have a negative impact on us living our life to its fullest potential.
I discovered many aspects of myself during our work together which surprised me. I felt them as energies, often felt within my body. I can ask these aspects of myself in if I choose, but the biggest takeaway was that I now know that to stay centred and in your own power you need to focus on being in the driving seat. This has and is having a lasting effect on my life, with increased confidence and self-belief.
Mojca holds a loving, supportive, compassionate and safe space to explore what can at times feel scary as these aspects of ourselves show up. The container she holds empowers you to connect to these aspects of yourself, often hidden within the shadows.Mojca’s skilful, intuitive way of working shines a light on these parts of us, bringing healing, growth and transformation. I cannot recommend her work enough, it’s truly remarkable and life changing.
Beverley, UK:
I signed up for coaching with Mojca because I needed someone to inspire and encourage me to grow into the person I wanted to become. I wanted to be able to flourish in my studies, create a professional CV and carry out presentations, without self-defeating behaviours and negative self-talk taking over.
I found her very knowledgeable, warm, understanding and able to help me come up with the solutions for my issues. I benefited from each session, and had clarity and specific goals to work on.
All my sessions were big improvements where I always took away a new part of who I have become. As a result of our coaching, I now prioritise, plan and carry out jobs I have committed to doing, I can present to others calmer, completing essays with a direct timeline and plan.
I am very happy now with my life priorities as I work through things and are ticking them off. The achievements I have made so far are phenomenal and I am truly thankful to my coach for all her input and encouragement.Coaching has opened doors for me that were closed before and it has enabled me to move to the next dimension, it has been my ticket into a future of hope and happiness. The process of coaching was cooperative, non-judgemental and clear with a good checking in of the last session.
I would recommend Mojca to anyone because she has the warmth, compassion, ability, knowledge and skills to work on all levels to meet individuals where they are and to motivate, encourage and inspire. Professionals who are wanting to lead, grow and develop their lives and careers would benefit richly."
Niki, UK:
Working with Mojca is always an exciting, creative journey. Her supportive, yet empowering way always gives me faith that I will come out of a session with deep clarity, a sense of empowerment and strength. Mojca has an incredible way to identify issues and take you on a journey. Her ability to listen and really hear what you are saying and not saying is one of Mojca's greatest strengths.
Working with Mojca will give you a bucket full of tools/creative ways of seeing things and I can assure you it will be a delight!!
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